Longbranch Stables Barn Rules
No Smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverages allowed on property associated with stables.
If you turn on a light, turn it off. Keep the aisle way clean. If you or your horse put it there, pick it up.
All vehicles must be parked in the designated areas.
NO visitors are allowed in the stalls or pastures. Boarders may retrieve their horse for the visitors to view.
Boarders/student may not handle any equine other than their own or the one assigned to them without written permission on file with stable.
DO NOT ride without safety equipment. ALL RIDERS UNDER 18 AND ANYONE JUMPING MUST ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY HELMET. The stable will not be held responsible for any injury, accident and /or death occurring because you use proper failed to use proper safety equipment.
DO NOT ride on properties not designated as allowed riding areas.
NO running or yelling in or around the barn.
DO NOT tie horse with reins. All horses are to be tied with a lead rope while wearing a serviceable halter or to be in cross ties.
Always check your tack before riding.
All injuries, accidents and damages must be immediately brought to the stable owners attention.
DO NOT feed your equine. If you believe your equine needs their ration changed, please notify the stable owner.